This course explores two distinct yet interrelated issues; God’s mission and His purpose for His creation, and how Disciples of Jesus Christ can effectively partner with God in fulfilling His missions. The course will lay a Biblical and sound foundation for Missions work. It will discuss appropriate strategies and methods that can be employed in Missions work which uphold integrity of the Gospel and take into consideration the human component of a believer who works with God.
This course is structured to prepare students for cross cultural missions, to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to unreached people and plant strong churches that will grow and multiply
Every believer, Pastors and other ministers of the Gospel are aware of the importance of the great commission, but few even preach about it let alone become involved in world evangelization.
There’s a prevailing mindset about mission’s work being the responsibility of only “missionaries” who have been trained and are qualified to do it; yet every believer has been called by our Lord Jesus to be a missionary, hence the Great Commission. Therefore, every believer can do Missions work. That said, there is wisdom in building the capacity of believers and pastors to be more effective missionaries through learning and training.